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What is TextPipe?

Winner of the International SIA Best Application award!

Trouble loading large CSV files into Excel? You need TextPipe!

Microsoft Excel has an in-built limit of 65000 rows, and TextPipe can help you work around this by splitting CSV files into two or more file fragments each with 65000 rows.

Here's How

  1. On the Filters to Apply Tab, in the All Available Filters view, double-click Filters\Special\Split files
  2. In the right hand view, choose the radio button After lines, and set the number to 65000.
  3. Set the Split filename to %f_%3.3d.%e. This numbers the output files but keeps them as .CSV files.
  4. Click File Output: test mode at the base of the list. Set Output Mode to Normal
  5. Drag and drop the file to split onto the Files to Process tab
  6. Click Go at the base of TextPipe's window

TextPipe can also be used for many other useful things, such as searching and replacing just in a specified column or row, or a CSV field.

And...TextPipe handles multi-Gigabyte files with ease, and can be automated or scripted. Download now -->

TextPipe also has a huge range of filters for code page conversions, conversions to/from Unicode, restricting changes to a given area, and you can even write custom filters in VBScript or JScript.

Like us...you'll find yourself using TextPipe again and again for all kinds of text-processing tasks.

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