See also: Case Studies, Customer Uses for TextPipe Pro, press reviews

I purchased TextPipe Standard here ... about two years ago and I'm very glad I did!
It saves me a ton of time and work! I also own PowerGrep 4, but as mentioned, TextPipe and PowerGrep serve two different purposes.
I hardly ever have a need for PowerGrep, but I use TextPipe all of the time.


"Slam-dunk the most challenging edit tasks"


"DataMystic never ceases to amaze me. Not only is it the most fantastic programme for use by an idiot, like me, in a very basic way, but the support is just brilliant when I need to do something more complicated. could not function without you."

Julian Oddy

"Wonderful! I have used the product from time to time and it has saved me literary days of work. Can not wait for the 64 bit!"


"May I say, even after all these years, there is nothing to touch Text Pipe. You really do have a very impressive & superb product here"

Kishor Mistry

"A text processing utility on steroids"

Win 2000 Tips

"The best text processing utility"

Support Alert Newsletter

"Industrial grade text conversion utility...the most powerful text alteration utility available"

Australian Developer

... despite all these bells and whistles, it's amazingly easy to use

ZDNet Review

It's hard to introduce TextPipe because nobody's ever seen anything like it before. When I saw a spreadsheet for the first time back in the 80's (Lotus 1-2-3 on DOS), I thought, wow, that's different and extremely useful. It's a eureka moment when you realize there's a new way to handle problems you deal with frequently. I had the same kind of moment when I discovered TextPipe. It's a whole new kind of software. It's not word processing; it's text processing.

It's more like a workbench than a toolbox, because it provides not only the tools you need to work with text, but also a work area that helps you try different things to zero in on a solution as quickly and with as little effort as possible.

Before TextPipe, I would be doing something tedious, usually with program code or a database, and I would think "this is a waste of time, but I'm too lazy to write a program to do this, or it would take longer to write the program than to do this tedious thing manually." Now I use TextPipe because it makes those tedious tasks easy to take care of, and I can make the most of my time.

TextPipe is for people who want to work smarter, not harder.

- David Johnson, LeapFrog Consulting

5GB sort/undupe just finished accurately. 63 minutes. Wow!

- Steve Robbins

I use it handling differences in data interchange with our customer banks. But as I use this product, I am learning ways to eek value out of our investment. I used to have an entire folder full of quick little VB programs that I would write to fix up data, and I no longer use them. They all have been replaced by TextPipe.

Since I bought the product 20 days ago, I have replaced all of my other home-brew utilities and processed over 350GB of data.

- Jeff W. Martin, Carreker Corporation

I just wanted to congratulate your company on a fine piece of software. Not only do I find the software intellectually stimulating (I haven't come across something so fine in at least ten years) but the software works like a dream. This software has revolutionized the way I work on a large aspect of my IT Consultancy business. What used to take hours to do now only takes minutes. It has provided me with a cutting edge tool to compete with, against other IT Consultant companies, in data mining and data manipulation. Used in conjunction with the database development I provide my clients I am able to reduce their costs, and provide a faster and more accurate service. As an example, this morning I was asked to produce an Internet abuse report at 08:55. This involves gathering data from 5 servers and collating 500+ .CSV reports each with thousands of records. This work would normally take 3 hours hard work using an advanced text editor and several scripts. With TextPipe Pro I had the report on his desk by 09:05. Impressive or what. I wish I had found your software years ago.

First, I will repeat how much I like your TextPipe program. I only stumbled upon it by accident, as I did not realize I had a need for anything like it or that anything like it even existed. I am an awk fan from way back, but there are things you can do in TextPipe that you can't in awk, and other things are easier. I was a hero at work when I took 2 hours to create an awk script that did all the processing required for a $10,000 contract. I could have done it in 10 minutes with TextPipe.

Andrew Phillips, ExpertComSoftware

Considering the amount of brute work I saved using the TextPipe Pro filtering and automation options, I must recognize that your software is not just a nice addition to a text editor but a daily use tool for any serious web developer.
Thank you for the opportunity of using it.

Rares Dragan
Creative & Development Director
Experimental Magazine

I wanted to let you how much I've appreciated having TextPipe Pro in my "tool box". It is easily one of the best utilities I have ever used, particularly because it does text cleaning, correction, and organization with ease in ways other programs can't or do only with difficulty. I've found it particularly useful with e-mail feedback from website users. Those that submit comments don't always do it in a way that makes analysis easy. But TextPipe will put it in any standardized format I choose so I can upload it into a database or spreadsheet for further work. No other program I know of can do that.

TextPipe is great for a million other things that word processors and standard software can't do. You've a great product and the high quality of your service and nearly immediate response time has been equally spectacular.

(and later on...) I am a social researcher by trade, now getting into international work in the court community. I often have to work with very dirty / challenging data sets that haven't been properly edited or checked and that's when your product comes in very handy.

Edwin Kennedy, Ph.D, Director,

I just wanted to let y'all know that I can attribute my 7 person and growing company to TextPipe Pro. Practically every developer I've met has turned their nose up at TextPipe. It usually isn't long before a problem comes up, and I recommend a TextPipe solution, which they inevitably ignore, and then go screw up royally using some other method. Fortunately I have TextPipe to save the day. I'm not a developer, but maybe I should have been. To give you some idea, I've created over 300 TextPipe filters to accomplish various tasks. Some I've spent minutes on, some programs I've spent weeks on and contain over 30 unique filters. Anyway, enough about my TextPipe compulsions, I want to know how I can get a TextPipe Pro t-shirt so that I can sport it around the office. Thanks!

Joseph Ring, CEO, Ring Marketing

I initially invested in it for two reasons. One was that ZDNet gave it a 10 out of 10 when compared to similar products, and the second was that I needed something good to clean and process form data from my web site.

Please share my appreciation to your entire team.


- Edwin Kennedy, Ph.D, Director,

What I can say is that it's an incredible 'Swiss Army knife' of a tool that quickly became a part of my everyday work life. It was easy to pick up and apply on the fly to do things like text clean-up, perform columnar search and replace, reformatting output files, etc. You can use it the first minute you have it, but it's also something you'll grow into...

- David Zimmerman, Market Data Center

So far it has saved me tons of work! I manage a fairly large website (4500 pages), and was able to completely revamp all pages at the same time, instead of one at a time!

- Vincent Beaulieu, SASS Webmaster , University of Ottawa

I finally made the move from Mac to PC. But, I had years and years and years worth of emails to transfer from Eudora Mac to Eudora Win - with hundreds of mailboxes. I used TextPipe to help with this process and make the job much easier. 

- Mark Hacker

I use TextPipe on a daily basis, for any number of things from conversion of URLs (during the relocation of sites for example) to specialty art projects. Often I use your product to move a site from a test position on the web, where my client can easily view it secretly, to a more public location. I can safely say, however, that your product was indispensable in maintaining my portion of the Ohio University web sites, as well as my other clients, and will remain an indispensable tool on all my computers as long as I can imagine.

- Steven Rutledge,

As we process log files for many corporate sites and purposes, we trawl through GB's of many different kind of different logs. I used to make the tools I needed as I went along in order to normalize and streamline these. Now I use TextPipe as a very flexible tool, that gets the job done many times faster. 

- Anders Olsen, MediaWise A/S

I use it as a tool to clean up material I've collected from the Internet that has originated on a variety of systems and is hard to read due to the presence of strange characters.

- Alan Berger, hi-Tech Notes

And more unsolicited comments...