
Winner of the International SIA Best Application award

TextPipe Pro is superb at converting multi-Gigabyte mainframe files.

  • Convert EBCDIC files to ASCII CSV, Tab- or Pipe-delimited or fixed width format
  • Convert Packed, Zoned and Binary fields, including Unisys Packed Decimal Unzoned/Packed-No-Zone (PNZ) with padding fields etc, with our Mainframe Copybook Filter. Just paste your copybook and begin converting!
  • Expand binary word and double word data (from Big Endian or Little Endian formats)
  • Convert NULL and blank numerics
  • Convert REDEFINES and OCCURS fields, with nested OCCURS and OCCURS DEPENDING ON
  • Convert huge multi-Gigabyte files
  • Handles multiple record types in the same file, even records of different length (variable length)
  • and more

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See also: Convert multiple record COBOL copybooks.

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Please click here. Converting Mainframe EBCDIC copybooks to PC format

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