Please see the TextPipe Pro help file (under Advanced Topics) for the latest version of this information.
A sample script is included in the TextPipe installation in the VBScript\sample.vbs file. See also our web front-end demo (which assumes that you have TextPipe Pro installed).
newWindow() : TextPipe.FilterWindow | Returns a new TextPipe.FilterWindow object that holds a new TextPipe filter window |
minimize() | Minimizes TextPipe's main window |
restore() | Restores TextPipe window to its previous size |
hide() | Hides TextPipe's window |
show() | Shows TextPipe's window |
version() : string | Returns the TextPipe version number string |
findWindow( filename : string ) : TextPipe.FilterWindow | Searches for an existing window that already has the given filter filename loaded, and returns it if found. If not found, it opens a new window, loads the given filter into it and returns it. |
calledFrom( applicationName : string ) | Sets the calling application name. When set, the File\Exit menu item changes to 'Exit and return to applicationName', and when the user tries to close TextPipe it simply hides itself. This is very handy when calling TextPipe from a third party application. |
close() | Attempts to close TextPipe, prompting the user to save any modified filters. |
quit() | Closes TextPipe WITHOUT prompting the user to save any modified filters. This function is the only way to close TextPipe after it has been made visible (even if TextPipe is made invisible again) |
property visible : boolean | True if the main form is visible, False if it is not. When called from COM, TextPipe's window is initially invisible. As soon as TextPipe is made visible, it locks itself in memory to prevent itself being closed by COM. The only way to close it is to call the Quit function (making it invisible does not change this) |
property activeFilter : TextPipe.FilterWindow | Returns the top-most filter window. If none, returns nil. |
property installationFolder : string | Returns the folder where textpipe.exe file is located, with a trailing backslash. This can be used to find the correct local path to load a pre-defined filter from. |
property Application : TextPipe.Application | Returns the Application object |
property Parent : TextPipe.Application | Returns the Application object |
property currentDirectory : string | Gets or sets the current directory. |
Open and closing files | |
openFilter( filename : string ) | Opens a filter with the specified filename |
appendFilter( filename : string ) | Appends the new filter to the current filter |
saveFilter( filename : string ) | Saves the current filter with the given filename |
close() | Closes the filter window |
closeWithoutSave() | Same as close but closes the window without prompting even if the filter has been changed |
property filterChanged : boolean | Read/Write. True if the current filter has been saved, False if it has been changed |
property scratchPad : string | Read/Write. The scratch pad text |
property trialInput : string | Read/Write. The trial input text |
property comments : string | Read/Write. The comments tab text. |
property isRunning : boolean | Read Only. True if the filter is currently running. |
Filters | |
Before any filters
are added or any Logging, Input or Output settings are changed, you must
call startFilters() first, and then call endFilters() when you have finished adding or changing. These function turn off the GUI, making adding filters much faster. They also prevent the GUI settings from overwriting the settings you make. To create sub filters, you must surround each set of sub filters like this: startSubfilters() ...define filters here... endSubfilters() |
clearAllFilters() | Removes all filters from the filter list |
moveCursorToEnd() | Moves the cursor in the treeview to the end of the list. By default, when a filter is loaded the cursor is on the Input Filter. If you want to add additional filters you generally will want to move the cursor to the end of the filter list first. |
makeSubfilterOf( parent : treenode, child : treenode ) | This function has been
superseded by the startSubfilters and endSubfilters commands. Moves the child filter so that it becomes the last child sub filters of the parent filter. You must determine if this action is legal or not yourself - TextPipe does no error checking. |
addSelectionFilter( type : integer, locateMethod : integer, param1 : integer, param2 : integer, moveTo : integer, processIndividually : boolean, excludeDelimiter : boolean, excludeQuotes : boolean ) : treenode | Adds a filter from the Restriction
menu. Note that Restriction filters almost always require sub filters in order
to have any effect.
Type - the type of filter to add 0 Delete column Locate Method - how to determine which areas to affect 0 Restrict %d .. %d param1, param2 - the required integer values for the locate method moveTo : integer - where to move or copy the columns or fields to. Default 1. processIndividually - whether or not to apply sub filters to each CSV or Tab field individually, or to the fields as one string value. Default false. excludeDelimiter - whether or not to include the comma or Tab field delimiter when passing the field to the sub filter. Default true. excludeQuotes - whether or not to include the CSV quotes that may surround the field when passing the field to the sub filter. Default true. |
addGrepFilter( type : integer, pattern : string, includeLineNumbers : boolean, includeFilename : boolean, ignoreCase : boolean, countMatches : boolean, patternType : integer ) : treenode | Adds a Grep type line based
type 0 Restrict lines matching pattern - the pattern to match includeLineNumbers - true to include the line number where the pattern was found, default False includeFilename - true to include the filename where the pattern was found, default False ignoreCase - ignore case when matching the pattern, default True countMatches - true to only output a count of the number of matches, default False patternType 0 Perl pattern |
addSplitFilter( type : integer, splitSize : integer, splitChar : string, splitCharPos : integer, splitCharCount : integer, splitLines : integer, splitFilename : string ) : treenode | Adds a split type filter
type 0 Split at a given size splitSize - the size file to split at splitChar - the character to split at splitCharPos - 0 Split before the character (it goes into the next
file) SplitCharCount - the number of times to see SplitChar before splitting SplitLines - split after a given number of lines SplitFilename - the name to give to each output split file |
addMergeFilter( type : integer, filename : string ) : treenode | Adds a merge type filter
type 0 Merge into filename filename - the filename to use |
addHeadTailFilter( includeOrExclude : boolean, linesOrBytes : integer, startOrEnd : boolean, count : boolean, ) : treeNode | Adds a Head/Tail type filter includeOrExclude - whether to include or exclude the text, False for Include, True for Exclude linesOrBytes - measure in terms of lines or bytes, False for Lines, True for Bytes startOrEnd - measure from the start or end of the file, False for Start, True for End Count - the count of lines or bytes to include or exclude |
addRunFilter( commandLine : string, inputFilename : string, outputFilename : string ) : treeNode | Adds a Run External Program
filter commandLine - the command line of the program to run. Should include double quotes around long filenames, and also usually includes the input and output filename. inputFilename - the filename that TextPipe should read from after the External Program writes to it. outputFilename - the filename that TextPipe should write to for the External Program to read in. |
addSortFilter( type : integer, reverse : boolean, removeDuplicates : boolean, startColumn : integer, length : integer ) : treenode | Adds a sort type filter
type - the sort type 0 ANSI sort (case insensitive) reverse - whether to reverse the normal sort order, when set to True the order is Descending, default false removeDuplicates - whether to remove duplicate values or not, default true startColumn - the column to start comparisons from length - the length of the comparison |
addDuplicatesFilter( type : integer, ignoreCase : boolean, startColumn : integer, length : integer ) : treenode | Adds a Show or Remove Duplicates
type - 0 Remove duplicate lines ignoreCase - whether to ignore case during comparisons or not startColumn - the starting column for the comparison length - the length of the comparison |
addReplaceFilter( searchStr : string, replaceStr : string, type : integer, matchCase : boolean, wholeWord : boolean, caseSensReplace : boolean, promptOnReplace : boolean, extract : boolean, firstOnly : boolean, skipPromptIdentical : boolean ) : treenode | Adds a search and replace (find
and replace) filter. See also the setPerl, setEditDistance and setBufferSize
functions (below) for setting additional parameters. searchStr - the string to search for replaceStr - the string to replace it with type - the find type: 0 Replace matchCase - Matches case when set to True, ignores case when set to false (default) wholeWord - Matches whole words only when set to True, default false caseSensReplace - Replaces with matching case when set to True, default false promptOnReplace - Prompts before replacing when set to True, default false extract - when True, all non-matching text is discarded, default false firstOnly - when True, only replace the first occurrence, default False skipPromptIdentical - when True, don't bother prompting if the replacement text is identical to the original. |
addReplaceListFilter( filename : string, type : integer, matchCase : boolean, wholeWord : boolean, caseSensReplace : boolean, promptOnReplace : boolean, firstOnly : boolean, skipPromptIdentical : boolean ) : treenode | Adds a search and replace list filter. See also the setPerl, setEditDistance and setBufferSize
functions (below) for setting additional parameters. filename - the file to load search/replace pairs from Other options - as above. |
setEditDistance( threshold : integer ) : boolean | Sets the edit distance threshold for the immediately preceding search/replace filter. Default 2. |
setBufferSize( bufferSize : integer ) : boolean | Sets the buffer size for the immediately preceding search/replace filter. Default 4096. |
setPerl( bufferSize : integer, greedy : boolean, allowComments : boolean, dotMatchesNewLines : boolean ) : boolean | Sets the perl matching options
for the immediately preceding search/replace filter.
bufferSize - the maximum buffer size to use for matches. Any match must fit into this buffer, so if you want to match larger pieces of text, increase the size of this buffer to suit. Default 4096. greedy - if the pattern finds the longest match (greedy) or the shortest match. Default false. allowComments - allow comments in the perl pattern. Default false. dotMatchesNewLines - allow the '.' operator to match all characters, including new lines. Default true. |
addNumberFilter( type : integer, value : integer ) : treenode | Adds a Number-type filter.
type - the type of filter to add 0 Convert Tabs to %d spaces Value - the numeric value to use |
addInsertFilter( insertPos : integer, insertString : string ) : treenode | Adds an insert column-type
insertPos - the position to insert the string insertString - the string to insert |
addDatabaseFilter( connectionStr : string, mode : integer, fieldDelimiter : string, textQualifier : string, generateHeader : boolean, insertTable : string, timeout : integer ) : treenode | Adds a database-type filter.
connectionStr - the database connection string. mode 0 Delimited output fieldDelimiter - the string to use between columns textQualifier - the string to use around string column values generateHeader - generates header information when True insertTable - the name of the insert table timeout - SQL command timeout in seconds, default 30 |
addMapFilter( filename : string ) : treenode | Adds a single byte map-type filter
from a file filename - the filename containing the map See also prepareMapFilter |
prepareMapFilter() : treenode
setMap( characterIndex : integer, outputString : string ) |
Adds a single byte map-type filter and
allows it to be configured by the following statements See also addMapFilter |
unenteredValue : integer, replaceWith : string ) : treenode setUnicodeMap2(
startRange, endRange, outputString : string ) |
Adds a Unicode map-type filter
and allows it to be configured by the following setUnicodeMap or
setUnicodeMap2 statements. unenteredValue:
Replace with: The string to replace it with, if the Replace Type is 2. |
addEOLfilter( inputLineFeeds : integer, fixedLength : integer, outputLineFeeds : integer, newLineFeed : string, removeBadEOLs : boolean ) : treenode | Adds an EOL (end of line)
conversion filter
inputLineFeeds - the type of incoming line feeds 0 Unix fixedLength - the length of fixedLength input files when option #4 is chosen above. outputLineFeeds - the type of outgoing line feeds 0 Unix newLineFeed - the new line feed string on output when option #4 is chosen. removeBadEOLs - whether to remove bad EOLs or not |
addSimpleFilter( type : integer ) : treenode | Adds a simple filter type,
requiring no special parameters.
type - the type of filter to add. 1 Convert ASCII to EBCDIC |
addStringFilter( type : integer,
str : string ) : treenode addStringFilterFile( type : integer, filename : string ) : treenode |
Adds a string-type filter.
type - the type of filter to add 0 Add left margin str - the string to use filename - the filename to use |
addLineNumberFilter( startNumber : integer, increment : integer, skipBlankIncrement : boolean, dontNumberBlank : boolean, numberFormat : string ) : treenode | Adds a Line Number filter
startNumber - the starting line number increment - the amount to add for each new line number skipBlankIncrement - don't increase the line number for blank lines dontNumberBlank - don't put a line number on blank lines numberFormat - the format to use for the line number |
addScriptFilter( language : string, script : string, timeout : integer ) : treenode | Adds an ActiveX script filter
language - the language of the script script - the code timeout - the command timeout in seconds, default 30 |
addCommentFilter( comment : string ) : treenode | Adds a comment type filter
comment - the comment. |
addMathsFilter( operation : integer; operand : integer ) : treenode | Adds a maths type filter
operation - the operation to perform 0 + operand - the operand to use |
Output Filter | |
property outputMode : integer | Read/Write. Sets the output mode: 0 Output to clipboard (all files are joined together) |
property outputTestMode : boolean | Read/Write. Sets the output filter test mode. True turns test mode on, default False. |
property outputFolder : string | Read/Write. Sets the output filter folder. |
property outputRetainDate : boolean | Read/Write. Sets the output filter retain date setting. True turns on the retain date setting, default False. |
property outputMergeFile : string | Read/Write. Sets the output filter to merge data to a single file, using the given filename. |
property outputExtension : string | Read/Write. Sets the output filter extension. |
property outputAppend : boolean | Read/Write. Sets append mode when True, default False. |
property outputOnlyOutputChangedFiles : boolean | Read/Write. Only outputs files that have actually changed, default True. |
property outputKeepStructure : boolean | Read/Write. When used in conjunction with outputFolder, determines if the original folder structure is retained, default False. |
addSecondaryOutputFilter( mode : integer, testMode : boolean, retainDate : boolean, append : boolean, function onlyOutputChangedFiles : boolean, folder : string, extension : string, keepStructure : boolean, mergeFilename : string ) : treenode | Adds a secondary output filter, usually used for splitting some lines or records to a new file. All parameters are as above for a normal Output filter. |
property outputOpenOutputOnCompletion : boolean | Opens each output file in its associated program on completion. |
property outputRemoveEmpty : boolean | Removes empty (zero-byte) output files - useful in conjunction with the Split Files filter |
Input Filter | |
property InputMode : integer | Read/Write. Sets the input mode: 0 Input from clipboard |
property inputBinaryFiles : integer | Read/Write. Controls how binary
files are handled
value (default 0) 0 Binary files are processed |
property InputBinarySampleSize : integer | Read/Write. Default 100. Controls the binary sample size for Input files |
property InputPromptOnEach : boolean | Read/Write. Default False. Controls whether to prompt before processing each file. |
property InputPromptOnReadOnly : boolean | Read/Write. Default False. Controls whether to prompt before processing each read only file. |
property InputDeleteFiles : boolean | Read/Write. Default False. Controls if input files are deleted after processing. Use with caution! |
property inputRandom : integer | Read/Write. Sets the input to come from a randomly generated file of size size, default 1024 |
Logging functions | |
property logEnabled : boolean | Read/Write. When True, logging is on, default False |
property logFilename : string | Read/Write. The file to log data to |
property logAppend : boolean | Read/Write. When True, logging appends to the existing file |
property logThreshold : integer | Read/Write. When more than threshold lines are present, all get written to the log file (this is for interactive mode only, for non-interactive mode ALL lines get written to the log file) |
Running Filters | |
execute() : boolean | Runs the current filter (same as
the 'Go' button). This function does not return until the thread completes. Returns true on success, False on failure (with error message in errorText) |
executeClipboard() : boolean | Runs the current filter with
input from and output to the Clipboard (same as the 'Clipboard' button).
This function does not return until the thread completes. Returns true on success, False on failure (with error message in errorText) |
processString( inputText : string ) : string | Processes the string inputText
and returns the result string, just as though the entire string was in a
file. If an error occurs, errorText will be set to the error message, or blank if there is no error. |
compileFilter() : string | Compiles the filter into an
internal form and saves it so that the compiling doesn't have to be repeated
each time text is processed. This function is ONLY used in conjunction with
processString(s)WithCompiledFilter - it does not speed up any other process.
Any changes made to the filter list after the filter was compiled
will not be reflected. Also, the normal Input and Output filters are
ignored - a string input and output filter is used instead. Returns a blank string on success, error message on failure. errorText is also cleared if there is no error, or set if there is an error. |
processStringWithCompiledFilter( inputText : string ) : string | Processes the string inputText using the pre-compiled filter. If the filter list has not been compiled with compileFilter this function will return an empty string. This function calls startJob and endJob at the beginning and end of processing. Note the singular - String |
compiledFilterStartJob() processStringsWithCompiledFilter( inputText : string ) : string ... (usually called multiple times) ... compiledFilterEndJob() |
Processes the string inputText
using the pre-compiled filter. If the filter list has not been
compiled with compileFilter this function will return an empty string. This
function DOES NOT call startJob and endJob at the beginning and end of
processing - they must be called separately. This function is normally
called a number of times. Note the plural - Strings compiledFilterStartJob() - this function prepares a compiled filter for processing. compiledFilterEndJob() - this function completes a compiled filter's processing. |
isRunning() : boolean | Returns true if a processing thread is running |
property errorText : string | Returns the text of the last error, or blank if there was no last error. |
Adding Files | |
clearAllFiles() | Clears all files from the file list |
addFile( fileSpec : string, subfolders : integer, action : integer ) | Adds a file to the file list.
fileSpec - the filename, folder or wildcard subfolders - how many subfolders to include (default 255) 0 No subfolders action - the action column (default 1) 1 Add the files
addFileList( filename : string ) | Adds a list of files to the file
filename - the list of files is contained in this file. |