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caseITX provides a small subset of the text manipulation features offered by
TextPipe, which is a fully-featured application that
extends all the basic case mapping and correction functions offered by caseITX. If you want an ultra-high
speed, 100% automated solution that you can script from any programming language
or schedule to process your website overnight, then you need TextPipe, not
Use TextPipe to:
- Standardise and Proper Case data as required
- Intelligent casing of data allowing for non-standard casing of names
- Lookup tables to supplement algorithms for name and address casing.
- Avoids mistakes in letters and ensures you address your customers
- Improves speed of data input and ensures intelligent casing of existing
- Allows you to reformat and restructure existing data. Can be amended by
the user and tailored to the business sector
- Allows you to plug TextPipe into your own system within an hour or two
- Sits behind existing or proposed applications, allowing your own design,
look and feel, working directly with your data
Data entry
Speeds up data entry in various ways:
- Key in freeform personal names and TextPipe will automatically case them
- Key everything in lower case and TextPipe will intelligently case the
data, using a combination of programmed algorithms and look up tables
- Key abbreviations and TextPipe will expand them for you
- Batch data cleaning - You can use TextPipe in your own batch systems for
data enhancement for example, in direct mail systems, data conversion and
data warehousing. TextPipe will case names and addresses.
TextPipe cases and expands personal and company names, job titles,
qualifications, addresses, and other data in both on-line and batch
It also has a huge range of other features - this is just the beginning!
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