Other companies force you to pay for new software releases. Unlike
other companies, we offer you ALL releases, both major and minor, for a
fixed yearly cost. That way if a bug is fixed in the next major version, you
don't pay any more - you still get the fix. You get certainty of budget, and
certainty of access to upgrades.
Advantages to you
- Includes ALL product upgrades, both major (e.g. 4.x to 5.x) and
minor (e.g. 4.1 to 4.2)
- Certainty of upgrades for a given time period - you always know you
are covered
- Upgrade when you choose - to take advantage of new features
- We improve the product continuously
Our Extended Upgrade Packages include 1 year of:
- Product upgrades - future software releases that provide new features or
- Product updates - interim, preventative software releases. Updates address
multiple minor issues and typically do not provide new features or
functionality. They should be installed as they become available
- Access to Product Betas - to ensure that you're informed about future
product developments, Extended Upgrade Package customers have access to Beta copies of
future versions. This lets you plan ahead, and also gives you more feedback in
the development process
- Product documentation
- Examples filters, sample data and demonstrations
- Automatic notification of new releases and upgrades, via email and via
RSS Feed
Purchasing an Extended Upgrade Package
To purchase an extended upgrade package,
click here to login to the secure area.
Upgrade Pricing Policy
Upgrade pricing starts at 30% of RRP
(Recommended Retail Price).
Within the grace period of 3 months after
expiry, customers can still upgrade at the same rate of 30% RRP.
After the grace period, upgrade pricing rises
by 10% per quarter, up to a maximum of 80% RRP.