Software runs successfully on Windows 98, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista &
Windows 7 and 8 x32/x64
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PowerPointPipe takes ALL the hard work out of
replacing text across multiple Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Just imagine - next
time your organization changes its phone number, address, web site or CEO - just
run PowerPointPipe across your file server or website to fix all affected presentations in
one hit.
[ user benefits ]
- Fast!
- No limit on the number of presentations processed - use it across an entire
file server or web server
- Translators can import search/replace lists from Excel, CSV- or
Tab-delimited files
- Easy to use with integrated online help
- Supports the same search and replace options as Microsoft PowerPoint
- Stand-alone - doesn't integrate directly with PowerPoint so it doesn't
destabilize your installation
- Translations are available for other languages
[ features ]
- Handles Unicode (foreign language) search and replace
- Handles multiple searches at the same time
- Search and replace with all PowerPoint's options such as Match Case,
Match Whole Word etc
- Handles any number of sub folders
- Control the presentation types used - so you can process .ppt, or any custom
presentation type
- Can be automated via the command line
- Handles password-protected presentations - these get flagged for manual
- Search-only mode
- The original file date and time stamp can be preserved.
- Easy to install/uninstall
See also
What is PowerPointPipe?
New features in this release